Quote of the Moment:

Love is a seed: it has only to sprout, and its roots spread far and wide- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Friday, May 28, 2010

Things that make Lia laugh

I figured I should make a list of the things that Lia finds hilarious as there seems to be more and more as time goes by. These things not only elicit squeals of delight but belly roll laughs and the cutest chuckles and giggles you've ever heard. Maybe this is par for the course with babies but Paul and I think we have a goofy girl:

1. Ripping plastic garbage bags apart.
2. Tearing junk mail. Really any perforation of any kind.
3. Burping or hiccuping (when I burp, Lia laughs; when Paul burps (belches) Lia is scared which makes Paul and I laugh.
4. Cutting finger nails (mine, not hers). Don't ask.
5. Swatting flies or mosquitoes (extra giggles if I exclaim loudly that I missed).
6. Monkey. Lia ADORES Monkey and is always excited to see him.

Oh, funny! I love that there is a list and that we seem to have a very happy girl! Because really, when Lia is happy Mommy and Daddy are happy.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Paul!

Happy Birthday to one special man. Paul, you are amazing. You're a great husband and a wonderful father. You make us laugh, you take care of us, you cook us awesome food, you love us. We are so lucky to have you in our family. And we love you! Happy Birthday!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Lia's Baptism

Last Sunday, Lia was baptised. It was a very nice, small ceremony and celebration. It was a beautiful spring day and Lia looked so angelic in her little white dress. She was great throughout the ceremony and even enjoyed getting water poured over her head. Afterward, we took Christian and Monica (Lia's Godparents) out for happy hour drinks and snacks. Lia had a great time. She seemed to know the day was 'all about her' and she loved it. Enjoy the pics.

Saturday, May 15, 2010



Me and my girl.

Hanging with Dad.

Enjoying a drink.

Paul bought me a picnic backpack for Mother's Day. It contains plates, silverware, a tablecloth, everything you need for a picnic. It even has a pouch on the side for a bottle of wine. We weren't able to have a picnic last weekend but we had one today. It was a beautiful spring day, cool and a little cloudy. We packed up a bunch of yummy food and took Lia and Monkey to this great park in Boulder. It was so wonderful spending time together as a family and just lounging in the middle of the day. The plastic wine glasses were a hit with Lia and Monkey!! I'm hoping to do this a lot more this summer.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mom and all you wonderful Mama's out there. You all deserve to be celebrated, honored, cherished and loved for all the wonderful yet hard work you do. Mamas take care of their families and being celebrated helps take care of us in return. I loved spending time with Lia and being so loved on my first Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hockey Time

It's hockey season. It's the playoffs. Paul is a huge fan. He played hockey for years. He had his first pair of skates shortly after he started walking. He hopes Lia will play hockey. For my big (and little) hockey fans: Go Montreal Canadiens!!