Quote of the Moment:

Love is a seed: it has only to sprout, and its roots spread far and wide- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Friday, September 24, 2010

Steamboat Springs

The gang (minus Dan).

Playing, big kid style.

Eating breakfast with Claire. Just the girls!

Hamming it up for the camera!

Playing wit fun new toys. Great view.

Last week, Lia and I drove through our beautiful state and spent a few days in the mountains. We visited our friends Angela and Dan and their kids Claire, Hudson, Cooper and Tucker. We had such a wonderful time. Lia did great on the long car ride and slept great every night. She really is an awesome travel buddy! It was so great to relax and catch up with my girlfriend and all the kids enjoyed playing with each other. Lia loved seeing what big kids do and she even sat at a little table and chair and ate all her meals off a plate that she didn't drop on the floor. Very big girl stuff! She got lots of hugs and kisses from the kids too! We missed Paul and wished he could have come with us. Thanks for a wonderful trip guys! I hope we can meet up again soon.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The End of Summer.

Before going on vacation to Erie we did some fun things around town. I wanted to share a few pictures. Playing in a kid's water fountain on Pearl St, running in the grass and visiting the Denver Botanical Gardens with Monica. The gardens are so beautiful and we all had a lot of fun! This has been a fun summer full of lots of different activities. But I think we'll all be welcoming the cooler weather and the change of seasons. Bring on fall with big piles of leaves to play in, yummy apple picking, pumpkin carving and decorating and of course- Halloween!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Vacation photos on the beach

At the airport with Michelle and Pete. Let the vacation begin!

Playing in the water and loving the rocks!

Good times with family.

Climbing up the slide is much more fun than going down.

Catching up on the latest gossip with Aunt Joann.

Trip to Erie

Lia and I took a trip to Erie to visit my family. Unfortunately, Paul had to stay home and work. I was a little nervous about flying solo with Lia but she was amazing. She did great on both plane rides and slept 11 hours straight EVERY night we were there!! We had a wonderful time visiting with family. Lia met her Great Grandparents (my mom's parents), her other Great Grandma (Linda's mom) for the first time and spent alot of quality time with her grandparents, aunts and uncles. Some of the highlights were playing on the beach (she loved all the rocks more than the water), playing with Grandpa's and Aunt Michelle's cats and just spending time with family. Lia got 2 new teeth while on vacation and that didn't slow her down a bit. She did start picking her nose which isn't too exciting. But she also learned how to do eskimo kisses with me and that is very exciting! Thanks to everyone for making it such a great trip for us. I'm ready for the next trip!!