Quote of the Moment:

Love is a seed: it has only to sprout, and its roots spread far and wide- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Monday, October 25, 2010


More things that make Lia laugh:

1. Being chased around the couch.
2. Anything that Monkey does; lick his paw, scratch, roll around in something stinky outside.
3. When I blow in her face.
4. Whenever she burps or farts!
5. If I trip or hurt myself (thanks Lia).
6. Being tickled, she's ticklish everywhere!
7. Putting things on her head like bowls.
8. Undressing! She can now take off her shoes, socks, shirt and pants!
9. Going for 'horsey' rides or whenever I imitate animal sounds.

I feel so lucky to have such a silly and happy girl. I hope I can keep making these lists for a long time!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Maine vacation pictures

The beautiful ocean


Playing in the yard.

Climbing the stairs with Poppy. One of her favorite activities.

Meeting her cousin, the bride and groom's daughter Sophia.


Lia and I recently got back from another trip. We headed east and visited Paul's parents in beautiful Maine. This was the farthest that Lia has ever been. The trees were starting to turn and the colors were amazing. The weather was cool, crisp and sunny- perfect fall weather. We took a drive to the ocean and Lia was very captivated by the seagulls! And we saw Paul's cousin get married and visited with many family members. Congratulations, Nick and Angela. You make a great couple. And thank you for everything, Mimi and Poppy. We had a wonderful visit.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

15 Months

Lia is 15 months old already! She has developed such a personality in the last few months. Much of the time, she struts around the house like she's on a mission! She is very 'large and in charge' and has her own agenda. Lia is independent, adventurous, silly, funny, happy and sweet. She gives the best hugs ever where she just holds on with all her might for a few moments. She even tries to cuddle with Monkey sometimes. Monkey's not so sure about that! Lia likes to talk and has a few words. She'll say Daddy, book and dog pretty regularly and she'll sometimes say 'all done', go, car and a few other words that I'm not sure what she's saying. She loves to dance whether it's to music on the radio or if I'm singing. Books are the favorite toy right now. She loves to open them and look at them by herself. And now she will actually sit on our laps and let us read to her. She likes to take all the books off her shelf and make various piles all over the house. Lia also loves to play dress-up. She likes hats and scarves and mittens and purses. She parades around the house wearing various things. It's really cute. Climbing is a favorite activity these days. She loves to climb up the neighbor's stairs, and on any small chairs, tables, shelves she can access. Baby proofing has hit a whole new level! Monkey is still safe on the couch; but for how long, I don't know. Lia has learned the names of many body parts and can point to them. Her belly button is by far the favorite! She seems so fascinated with it. Lia is also walking more when we take Monkey for walks, staying with me and holding my hand. She likes to stop and 'say hi' to all the flowers we pass along the way. She is very gentle and touches them with one finger. So cute (but it takes forever)! It is just amazing watching her grow from baby to toddler. Lia is such a joy to us!