Lia is 21 months old already. Only a couple months to go until she's 2! She is growing into such a cute and charming little girl. She is talking more and more these days and will repeat new words everyday. She'll now point to herself and say 'me' and has started saying small sentences! And she now says 'mo' for Monkey. Mommy and up and please and park, and NO are still the favorites. She is big on identifying body parts right now and will point (poke) at my eyes, ears, mouth, etc... She has a freckle on her arm that she just recently noticed and she'll show it to me daily! We are working on numbers and letters now. Lia will say two and three and point to the things we are counting. She doesn't seem to like the ABC song anymore and says no every time I try to sing it...Maybe I sang it too much.!! Lia has a true zest for life. She loves to try new things, go to new places. She is not shy, actually she's a little too fearless sometimes. She loves the playground and the pool. Coloring on the sidewalk with chalk is a new favorite activity. Since the weather is getting nicer and Spring is here, we've been spending more and more time outside. I feel like its a special gift being able to introduce the wonders of life to a small child. Lia and I look at the emerging buds on the trees, smell the flowers, feel the grass. It's very cool to see the joy that discovery brings. I have seen some signs of Terrible two's. Lia is just very willful and determined and sometimes stubborn. I think I'll be really happy when she's old enough to be reasoned with (what age is that anyway)! But mostly, Lia is really sweet and loving. She generously gives out kisses and hugs and likes to make us smile and laugh. We're really having a lot of fun.