Our favorite girl is 6 months old already! It's hard to believe how fast she's growing up. Lia's showing off her newest skill here- sitting unsupported. Most of the time she just falls over like a drunken sailor but she's getting better. She's also saying 'mamama' but I'm pretty sure she's not associating it with me...
Turning 6 months old allows us to take several classes that she was previously too young for. We now go to the library for storytime (reading books and singing songs). We are going to start a music class soon (singing songs, dancing, playing with musical instruments and bubbles) and swimming class will come in the spring. Our lives have become more exciting! Lia seems to really enjoy this different stimulation. And mom enjoys getting out of the house and meeting other moms. We'll keep you updated on future happenings.
awwwwww, our girl is growing up! I am glad you are getting involved with other moms-sometimes I feel like you are isolated out there-i know you are not, but it feels like that because you are soooo far away. I'm sure Lia will enjoy all of these new activities.