Lia is 11 months old already! It's amazing how much she's changed and how much she's grown up since she first came into our lives. She took her first step by herself yesterday! She has done it several times today. Takes one step and then she promptly falls on her face. We're working on the finesse. I can tell that Lia is also noticing more of the world around her. She looks at the birds, squirrels and bunnies when we take Monkey for walks and thinks it's funny when Monkey tries to 'get' the animals. She's also quick to smile at other people and seems to love other babies and children. We just signed up for Gymboree and she has had a ball so far. We have so much fun on all the play equipment and Lia likes to check out what the other babies are doing. They are teaching concepts now like up and down. Lia has started putting items into containers (instead of just dumping everything out of them). She likes to open books and look at the pictures and turn the pages. She loves her Mommy and Daddy but doesn't seem afraid to venture out and explore on her own. She actually doesn't seem to be afraid of much! I think we have a real 'go getter'. She loves bath time and has even more fun now that she's in the big tub and we can play with more toys. She is sleeping better at night which makes us all happier. New foods she has tried recently are tomatoes and lentils and yogurt. I have a feeling this summer is going to be so exciting with her walking and talking more. We are taking our first plane ride at the end of the month for our friend's wedding. Lots of relatives are coming to visit this summer AND we have the first birthday to celebrate. We'll keep you posted.
Wow! She really is a go-getter. It sounds like she is at such a fun age right now. Glad things are good. She's looking quite cute in her striped capri's!