Quote of the Moment:

Love is a seed: it has only to sprout, and its roots spread far and wide- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Love you, Love you, Love you Michelle!  Happy Birthday to us!

Friday, February 14, 2014

More things Lia has said lately...

Dad, you should wear a necklace to work today so you look fancy for your meeting.

Mommy, I really like your socks.  Will you share them with me when I'm an adult!

I'm going to marry Owen when I get bigger!

Mom, I don't like this chicken soup (my homemade soup).  I like the real soup better (canned)!  Me- Soooo not impressed with this one!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


We love you so much Aunt Michelle!  So glad you came for a visit (it was much too short).  The kids loved playing and cuddling with you.  And 'birthday breakfast' for dinner was a huge hit.  Come again soon so we can have more fun.

Friday, February 7, 2014

This warms my heart!

Hey Little Brother, I'm your big sis.  I'll teach you things.  I'll read you books.  I'll play with you.  I'll cuddle with you and keep you safe.  I'm your big sis and I love you!

What Lia said to me today...

Lia:  Mommy, when I grow up I want to be an artist, a mom and a fire fighter.  But I don't want to drive the fire truck.
Me:  Why not?
Lia:  Because I want to look out the window and wave to the little girls who wave at me!

(She waves to every fire truck she sees).  Ahhh!