Quote of the Moment:

Love is a seed: it has only to sprout, and its roots spread far and wide- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Pure Happiness!

This is the face of pure happiness!  A beautiful, sunny day and a fresh new bag of sand for the sand box!  He could have stayed in there all day.  How much does happiness cost?  $3.56 at home depot!  Go Me!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Growing Up!

 Goodbye Preschool, Hello Kindergarten!

Lia, I am so proud of you.  You are growing into an amazing girl!  You are so ready for this next step.  Today, you were confident, excited, interested and READY!  It is amazing to watch your love of learning and to be here to help foster that love.  You will learn many things this year, meet new friends and strengthen your mind and body.  This is the start of your education years- a great time in your life.  I so look forward to watching you grow and learn through the years.  I love you, Lia!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

We've got a little bunny in our garden!!

 Chowing down on parsley and tomatoes fresh from the garden!  A little bunny!