Quote of the Moment:

Love is a seed: it has only to sprout, and its roots spread far and wide- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Monday, October 25, 2010


More things that make Lia laugh:

1. Being chased around the couch.
2. Anything that Monkey does; lick his paw, scratch, roll around in something stinky outside.
3. When I blow in her face.
4. Whenever she burps or farts!
5. If I trip or hurt myself (thanks Lia).
6. Being tickled, she's ticklish everywhere!
7. Putting things on her head like bowls.
8. Undressing! She can now take off her shoes, socks, shirt and pants!
9. Going for 'horsey' rides or whenever I imitate animal sounds.

I feel so lucky to have such a silly and happy girl. I hope I can keep making these lists for a long time!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie, just catching up on your blog! Lia is getting so big and absolutely adorable! So sweet! You all look happy and well! Take care!
